Laser and Combination Treatment of Birthmarks

Birth marks are developmental anomalies where particular cell line will proliferate more to form a benign growth, still it is distinct from malignancy because the cells are of normal nature and growth is well controlled. Birth marks are classified base on which cells are proliferating. E.g. birth mark of keratinocytes is epidermal nevus; birth mark of blood vessels is hemangioma or lymphangioma.

Treatments of Birthmarks
Types of birth marks
Which cell proliferates? Clinical type
Keratinocytes Verrucous epidermal nevus
Endothelium of vessels
Adipocyte NevusLipomaticus
Sebaceous Glands
Nevus sebaceous
Nevus Comedonicus
Nerve Cells Neurofibromatosis
Melanocytes Melanocytic Nevus
Nevus Spilus
Nevus of Ota & Ito
Becker’s Nevus
How birth marks grow?
Birth marks may grow in-utero or start
growing soon after birth. Some birth
marks may start growing at age of 10
years to 20 years. Many cutaneous
birthmarks have extensions of dormant
cells in hair follicles, that’s why they tend
to recur after treatment.
Principles of treatment of
ŸSerial excision
ŸSelective photo-thermolysis
ŸDon’t treat Leave as it is.
Which birth marks need to be
1)Hemangioma: rapidly growing,
compressing vital structures, ulcerated &
bleeding ones
2)Nevus sebaceous: long standing nevus
sebaceous can transform into malignancy
at age 40 and above.
3)Melanocytic nevus: Larger than 2 cm
nevi and multiple nevi need to be excised.
4)Cosmetically disturbing nevi are better
treated in time.
Combination with ILS will reduce scarring of laser
Becker’s Nevus with LEO 540
Radiofrequency removal of mole: follow-up of 4 years

How birth marks grow? Birth marks may grow in-utero or start growing soon after birth. Some birth
marks may start growing at age of 10 years to 20 years. Many cutaneous birthmarks have extensions of dormant
cells in hair follicles, that’s why they tend to recur after treatment. Principles of treatment of birthmarks:
ŸSerial excision
ŸSelective photo-thermolysis
ŸDon’t treat Leave as it is.
Which birth marks need to be
1)Hemangioma: rapidly growing,
compressing vital structures, ulcerated &
bleeding ones
2)Nevus sebaceous: long standing nevus
sebaceous can transform into malignancy
at age 40 and above.
3)Melanocytic nevus: Larger than 2 cm
nevi and multiple nevi need to be excised.
4)Cosmetically disturbing nevi are be
treated in time.