A Computerized Hair Analysis Is Conducted at Skin City

Hair problems come in many forms and affect many people in different ways. We understand that hair and scalp disorders can be traumatic and can have a severe effect on a person’s well being; hair is well documented as being the barometer of health. If we have to see the differences in both female and male hair loss patterns it would be mainly as suggested below.

Causes of female hair loss

Female hair loss can happen at any age and can be due to a variety of conditions and reasons. Just a few of these can be:

  • Alopecia
  • Stress
  • Chemotherapy
  • Pregnancy
  • Thyroid
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome


Causes of male hair loss

In the case of male hair loss generally speaking, it is genetic. What causes hair loss in men is the result of a chemical called Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This builds up around the follicle and kills both the follicle and hair. This is commonly known as male pattern baldness and represents 90% of all hair loss cases. If you have family members who are thin or thinning then the chances are you will experience some degree of hair loss – either a receding hairline or thinning hair at the crown. Although you have been dealt this genetic disadvantage, there is an alternative to inevitable baldness. We give you the opportunity to take control and restore your hair loss correct what nature gave you in a safe, painless 100% guaranteed way.

There may also be a medical problem which is causing hair loss to happen. This can include things such as:

  • Alopecia
  • Stress
  • Chemotherapy
  • Thyroid

But these are all a suggestive causes. It is not sure what exactly causes hair loss. But, did you know that a computerized hair analysis can often detect hair conditions and problems?

Yes, at Skin City, our unique Caslite microscopic hair analysis offers a detailed investigation of hair thickness miniaturization and hair length at various scalp areas it is an excellent tool for hair research and diagnosis. Caslite microscopic hair analysis offers a detailed investigation of hair thickness miniaturization and hair length at various scalp areas it is an excellent tool for hair research and diagnosis. This method is unique, effective, risk free and of low cost. It provides accurate results on the cause of diseases which are not visible or noticeable, enabling localized and targeted therapy/treatments. With this method, the root of chronic diseases, which are subject to a complex system of causes, can be identified and treated. This type of testing is suitable for accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Computerized analysis of hair is easily applied; non-invasive, repeatable method of hair is a follow-up.


  • Type of hair loss
  • Measuring degree of hair loss
  • Calculating hair density
  • Thickness of hair
  • Anagen and telogen hair rate in measurable phases
  • Information about the status of hair

Based on the accumulation of the test results, a suitable hair growth treatments are suggested. Whether you have just started to notice hair thinning and would like some advice on how to prevent further hair loss, or if you are already experiencing baldness and considering a hair transplant, our team at Skin City will be able to provide the most effective and suitable treatment for you. Your hair loss treatment journey always starts with a consultation with one of our hair experts to understand your concerns and what you really want to achieve. We can then offer the best bespoke treatment option for you.

Our cutting-edge treatments such as Laser Hair Grow, Scalp Micro Pigmentation, and Hair Transplant treatments give the best possible results.