What are the Best Vitiligo treatments in India?

Vitiligo Treatments in India

Vitiligo is an autoimmune disease which comes unannounced.

Sadly enough it can shatter down your confidence to face the world. Though not harmful to health, in many parts it is a matter of ridicule and social stigma. These disfiguring white spots can appear anywhere on the body. However, the treatment of Vitiligo has improved in recent years and in some cases the pigment can be restored.

What Is Vitiligo And What Causes It?

Vitiligo is caused due to a lack of pigment in the affected areas of skin. Areas of skin with vitiligo have no or very few melanocytes. The melanocytes are destroyed or are badly damaged in the body. Hence, when melanin is destroyed it cannot produce the color of the skin again. The potential reasons of the melanocytes to get ruptured can be due to the attack of the immune system or self-destruct.

Also, Check out this article Everything You Need to Know About Vitiligo Causes, Symptoms, Treatments, and More

What Are The Best Treatment Options For Vitiligo In India?

Long ago there was this belief that Vitiligo has no cure, but today, there are treatments available which can help. Some may neglect to treat it if the patches are unnoticeable or if it does not bother them anymore.

While some treatments have been shown to slow down the progression of vitiligo; some treatments also resulted in returning the skin tone to normal in a few cases. There is no single treatment for vitiligo that works; it is the combination approach which tends to show results. The response to the various treatments is erratic and can highly depend on the type of vitiligo one may have.

Skin City Vitiligo Treatment Offerings

Skin City is the largest Vitiligo treatment center and has treated thousands of patients over the years. Skin City has invented a new technique of Vitiligo mini skin grafting called ‘Cyanoacrylate lamination technique’.

However, there are a number of combination treatments which may be advised at our clinics to help you with the desired results. We may also advice;

1. Steroid Cream

A steroid cream, when used in a small patch on the affected vitiligo site, may prevent a smaller patch from becoming bigger. Occasionally it so happens that the skin colour may return over a treated area. Steroids contribute partly in suppressing the immune system.

2. PUVA Treatment

PUVA is psoralen and ultraviolet A (UVA) light. The treatment involves in taking a special medicine (a psoralen) in the form of tablet or cream which makes the skin very sensitive to light. The skin is then treated with UVA light.PUVA may cause side-effects such as sunburn-type reactions or skin freckling.

3. De-Pigmentation

People having extensive vitiligo, a treatment may be advised to make the remaining normal areas of skin go white, to make it look evenly toned. This is only carried out with a thorough discussion with your specialist as the removal may take a year to complete it.

What Could Be The Cost Of Vitiligo Treatment?

Pune is one of the preferable destinations in India for treating vitiligo. The prices are comparatively lower than abroad. Skin specialists at Skin City India are experienced and provide high-quality laser treatments at inexpensive costs.

Anyone who has been diagnosed with the condition can undergo treatment for vitiligo. While the topical treatments and phototherapy can be offered to adults and young adults of all gender, the other options must be thought about before undergoing the treatment. We will assess the patient’s conditions before suggesting any surgical treatment of vitiligo, if necessary.

Don’t let Vitiligo own you anymore! It is treatable.

We’re a specialized clinic in treating all kinds of Vitiligo levels, diagnosing and offering treatment for patients at our clinics. We pride ourselves in being known for the depth of expertise of our specialists, quality care of our staff, and our state-of-the-art technology.

Give us a call today to erase Vitiligo forever.


See More Vitiligo Related Articles:

  • What Are Vitiligo Signs & Symptoms?
  • Is Vitiligo Genetic Or Hereditary?
  • Foods To Avoid When You Have Vitiligo?
  • Vitiligo Diet Plan For Vitiligo Patient?
  • Why Is The Skin City Best Vitiligo Clinic In India?
