What Are The Best Treatments for Dark Circles?

Best Treatments for Dark Circles

Whether you are waking up with tired-looking eyes after a late night or notice dark circles every morning, these under-eye shadows are a common skin concern that can affect all skin types and skin tones. Dark circles may become more visible after a restless night of sleep or a stressful week, but they are also caused by other factors which may be out of your control. While you may not be able to prevent dark circles, there are treatments that can help give you a bright-eyed appearance.

What Are Dark Circles?

Dark circles are shadows under the eyes which can cause you to look tired or stressed. The skin around the eye is very delicate and is often one of the first places to show signs of aging. This thin skin can sometimes appear nearly translucent which may cause dark circles to become more visible.

What Causes Dark Circles Under Eyes?

Dark circles have two main causes—pigmentation and poor circulation. Pigmentation is often related to genetics and skin tone, but can also be caused by the sun. Poor circulation can also cause eyes to appear puffy which may make dark circles seem more prominent. Dark circles can also be caused by factors in your lifestyle like:

  • Stress
  • Excessive Drinking
  • Poor Diet
  • Excessive Salt Intake
  • Dehydration

What Are The Best Treatments For Dark Circles?

Because there are so many causes for dark circles, treatment isn’t always as straight forward as we’d like it to be. But one thing that’s consistently true: You can’t always rely on only treatments to fix your dark circles. That said, a robust skin-care routine (hello, moisturizers and SPF!) is super important in keeping your skin healthy, which, in turn, fends off issues like dehydration and irritation (which can play into dark circles). Skin City India offers some of the best medical treatments to prevent and reduce dark circles under the eyes:

1. Chemical Peeling:

Chemical peeling involves a number of chemical agents to treat various skin conditions like hyper-pigmentation on the face or body, scars due to acne or injuries, and fine wrinkles. It is a non-invasive treatment for dark circles. A chemical peel is generally performed by a dermatologist. Chemical peels help in rejuvenating the skin around the eyes by exfoliating the damaged upper layer of the skin to reveal a new and healthier skin layer.

2. Intense Pulsed Light Treatment:

IPL treatment reduces dark circles by destroying the pigment cells that cause discoloration. It also smoothens the skin under the eye due to its high energy light waves that penetrate the skin under the eye. The light waves constrict blood vessels, which results in less prominent discoloration.

3. Laser Treatment:

Laser treatment is another effective way to remove dark circles. Here, the collagen is stimulated. Post the treatment, the skin under the eye becomes smooth and less discolored.

4. Fillers:

Collagen depletion in the undereye area due to aging causes troughs to appear which cause dark shadows under the eyes. Fillers help smoothen and fill troughs thus chasing away the dark circles.

5. Surgery:

Eye surgery for dark circles is known as blepharoplasty that is performed by plastic surgeons. The under eye fat deposits are removed, resulting in less puffiness, less discoloration, and more lively eyes. The procedure can take anywhere between one to three hours. Recovery from the surgery can take up to several weeks.

How Long Does It Take To Reduce Dark Circles?

It depends entirely on the individual’s pre-existing health conditions. Each individual reacts differently to the treatment they are undergoing and the time frame may vary according to the type of treatment and the severity of the dark circles. The estimated time frame to reduce the intensity of dark circles is between 3-4 weeks.

What About Home Remedies?

You may have heard of age old remedies promising you instant dark circle removal. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that they may work. Instead, choose from a viable and proven cosmetic treatment that will improve the texture of your skin around the eyes, reduce the darkness of the circles as well as brighten the overall area.

The Bottom Line

It’s best to consult with our doctor to understand what strategy might work best for you. Our dermatologist will be able to help you determine your causes and then tailor your treatment accordingly.

Read Further >> All You Need To Know About Under Eye Dark Circles

Step into our office and talk to our specialists who’ll really treat the dark circles under your eyes and save the cucumbers for your salad!  Call today for more information at +91 9890225577 or book appointment with one of our dermatologists.