How Does miraDry Work?


How Does miraDry Work

Do you struggle with excess underarm sweating? Fortunately we can help. Excess underarm sweating is also known as hyperhidrosis where there is severe sweating. Excess sweating may cause you to change your shirt frequently, cover up with jackets or sweaters, careful selection of the clothes you wear for fear of the sweat showing or ruining your shirts, placing pads or padding under the arms to absorb the sweat, or simply avoiding situations where your sweat may show – like lifting your arms or stretching. Excess underarm sweating can affect your social life, your confidence, your life.

The good news is that we finally have a permanent solution for the problem of underarm sweating. miraDry!

What Is miraDry?

miraDry is the only non-invasive, FDA-cleared treatment for the worrisome problem of underarm sweat. miraDry will eliminate the sweat and odor glands, leaving you confident that your underarms stay dry in any situation.

You may want to read further, Check out this article All You Need to Know About miraDry

How Does It Work?

The miraDry system uses proprietary thermal energy that targets and destroys sweat and odor glands in the underarm region. miraDry is a quick, non-surgical sweat reduction treatment procedure performed under local anaesthesia. The miraDry device precisely delivers thermal energy to the underarm sweat glands to permanently eliminate them. We specialize in miraDry treatment for excessive underarm sweating and provide you with a full medical assessment of your condition. Our miraDry treatment is available at all our Skin City clinics.

Who Can Be Treated With miraDry?

  • If you have been diagnosed with axillary (underarm) hyperhidrosis.
  • If you are bothered by your underarm sweat.
  • If you have embarrassing underarm sweat outbreaks.
  • If you have to frequently re-apply antiperspirant during the day.
  • If you are frustrated because you are constantly ruining clothes with excess sweating.

What Is The miraDry Procedure Like?

  • First we will see you in consultation to review everything with you and to discuss any questions you might have.
  • The procedure itself involves cleansing the underarm skin and applying a properly sized marking grid to the skin. We will inject local anesthesia (numbing) into the underarm to provide more comfort during the procedure. There is little to no pain for most patients.
  • There are no surgical incisions or cuts.
  • The miraDry handpiece is then applied multiple times over the underarm while you lay back in a reclined position. The visit lasts about 1-1.5 hours.

What Results Can I Expect?

Lasting results – sweat glands don’t come back after the treatment. The results are dramatic and immediate. You can expect 82% average sweat reduction after 2 treatments. Most people will have an over 50% reduction in their sweating after the first treatment alone. However, as with any medical procedure, results will vary from person to person.

What Are The Benefits Of The miraDry Treatment?

The miraDry underarm treatment is the only non-invasive technology to provide lasting results for underarm sweat without using injections, chemicals or undergoing surgery. While two (and rarely 3) procedures are recommended 3 months apart, many patients only need to have one procedure.

The Benefits of the miraDry Procedure Include:

  • Dramatic reduction of underarm sweat
  • Immediate and lasting results
  • Minimal to no downtime after treatment
  • No need to have regular injection treatments

Why Should You Choose Skin City As My Provider Of miradry?

Primary hyperhidrosis is a medical condition that needs to be assessed by highly qualified and experienced practitioners. At Skin City, we provide you with a full medical assessment of your condition before advising you of the appropriate treatment. We specialise in miraDry treatment for underarm sweating.

Enjoy freedom from underarm sweating and book your initial consultation by booking an appointment at Skin City.