How to Prepare for Scalp Micropigmentation?

Prepare for Scalp Micropigmentation

Many people wonder how exactly they can ensure they achieve the best possible result from their scalp micropigmentation treatment. We at Skin City will always be there to assist you with your concerns, however knowledge is power, and you should learn as much as you can about the process beforehand so you can ask the right questions.

There are some straightforward actions that you can take if you wish to achieve the best possible results. When all is said and done however, the most important decision you will make is choosing the right person for the job.

You may want to read further, Scalp Micropigmentation and Its Wonderful Benefits

How To Get Your Skin Ready For SMP Procedure

48 Hours Before

  • Don’t be tempted to have a drink the night before or on the day of your scalp procedure. Alcohol is a blood thinner, which means you could bleed more and the pigment may take get pushed out.
  • Caffeinated tea, coffee and energy drinks, garlic, oily fish, and some herbal teas can also thin the blood.

* Please check with your doctor if you are on any medication that may cause blood thinning*

How It Works

When we implant our ink into the affected area, we carefully match your natural hair color with skillful precision. Additionally, we shade darker than your natural colour, which gives the illusion of a shadow and the appearance of three-dimensional, natural hair. The treatment at Skin City is administered softly, in a gentle approach, and results look unbelievably natural. Each client’s needs are unique. During your consultation, we will talk to you about exactly what results you want to get, and ensure a custom procedure, designed to give you the desired effects that you’re looking for.

Full Scalp Procedure

  • Full head scalp Micropigmentation always works best on closely shaved scalps, wet shaving or grade 0-2 is ideal. The longer the natural hair is the more difficult it is to blend.
  • Do wander in sunlight too much or have a sunburned face
  • Do not work out the day of the procedure (excessive oils in the skin can prevent the pigment from retaining).
  • Exfoliate your scalp the night before your procedure to remove any dead skin.

On The Day Of Procedure

  • Have a good breakfast on the day of your SMP procedure; this increases your stamina as getting tattooed burns a lot of calories.
  • Paracetamol reduces pain and helps reduce inflammation so if you’re worried take two before or after the session.
  • Bring a sugary drink or snack for your session *blood sugar levels drop when your getting tattooed so this can help you feel more comfortable during the session* this also allows you not to stop so often which can interrupt adrenaline build up, making it harder to cope.
  • Consider a distraction, music to listen to or a book or simply flicking through your phone will help.

 Additional Tips To Aid Fast Healing

  • Use a fresh pillowcase
  • Avoid sweaty exercise for one week
  • Avoid direct sun exposure or tanning for 4 weeks after procedure
  • Wear a hat when outdoors
  • Avoid long hot showers for the first 10 days
  • Avoid swimming and chlorinated hot tubs for the first 10 days
  • Avoid topical makeup including sunscreen on the area until fully healed
  • DO NOT rub, pick or scratch the treated area

 Be Confident!

This might sound obvious, but remember to own your new look. This is a life-changing procedure that will give you back your lost self-esteem, so prepare yourself for it and enjoy the ride. Above all it is important to let go of your hair loss. That’s the best thing about scalp micropigmentation – you can put it behind you for good, so do just that and move on a happier and more confident you.

You may want to read further, Scalp Micropigmentation: All You Need to Know about Treatment, Side Effects & Cost


We at Skin City truly view our practitioners’ work as a form of art, and our talented technicians pour their passion into each and every client they work with. Our practitioners know just how emotional this issue is for individuals, and want you to know that we understand exactly what you’re going through. For a definitive assessment of your hair loss needs, get in touch with us.