How Much Does a Hair Transplant Cost in India?

Hair Transplant Cost in India

Hair Transplant Explained

Losing your hair is a natural part of life. It can happen for a variety of different reasons and in some cases, it can be permanent – leaving you with bald patches. If you are experiencing permanent hair loss – do not panic, it can be treated.

Hair transplantation surgery has dramatically evolved over the subsequent the last few decades. Throughout the evolution of hair transplant surgery, techniques have come and techniques have discarded. In the last decade, however, a refinement of an outdated punch extraction technique, now referred to Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is becoming more popular, and hair transplant surgery has never been the same. When you decide to get a hair transplant you’ll have a lot of different things to consider and you’ll also want to know what will be the average cost of hair transplant and what it might be like.


Also Read: Hair Loss: The Causes, the Impact and its Treatment


How Does Hair Transplant Work?

A hair transplant is a procedure in which a dermatological surgeon moves hair to a bald area of the head. The surgeon usually moves hair from the back or side of the head to the front or top of the head. Hair transplants typically occur in a medical clinic under local anaesthesia. After thoroughly cleaning your scalp, a surgeon will use a small needle to numb an area of your head with local anaesthesia. Next, they’ll use a scalpel to remove a round section of your scalp covered with hair. Then they’ll sew the scalp closed. The surgeon will separate the removed portion of scalp into small sections using a magnifying lens and sharp surgical knife. When implanted, these sections will help achieve natural-looking hair growth.

The surgeon will make tiny holes with a blade or needle in the area of your scalp receiving the hair transplant. They’ll gently place hairs in these holes. During one treatment session, a surgeon may transplant hundreds or even thousands of hairs. After the graft, gauze or bandages will cover your scalp for a few days. A hair transplant session can take four hours or more. Your stitches will be removed about 10 days after surgery. You may require up to three or four sessions to achieve the full head of hair you desire. Sessions occur several months apart to allow each transplant to fully heal.


What Is The Hair Transplant Cost In India?

A lot of people are dealing with hair loss issues and dealing with these matters, Skin City Pune is always ready to serve. The cost of a hair transplant is highly variable on a number of different factors, and typically ranges anywhere from FUT- Rs.40-60 per graft and FUE- Rs.40 per graft. There are a number of factors that can influence the costing, including:

  • The type of hair transplant (FUE hair transplant vs FUT hair transplant)
  • The extent of your hair loss
  • The quality of your hair loss clinic

So, in order to extract the maximum value from your investment, you should carefully consider the costs and opt for the highest quality clinic to ensure you get the best results.


What Can You Expect From A Hair Transplant From Skin City?

Modern techniques of surgical hair transplantation can restore lost hair and replace or re-shape your hairline with your own natural, growing hair, which needs no more care than the ordinary washing, styling, and trimming you have always done. Transplantation can be done today so well that often a barber or stylist cannot even tell that grafts have been placed. At Skin City, our hair transplant treatment can give you:

  • A defined hairline
  • A natural full looking head of hair
  • A boost in confidence

The purpose of our hair restoration procedures is to ensure that you can enjoy a lifetime of natural-looking hair. At Skin City, the world-class surgical skill, advanced techniques, and all important artistry go without saying. What really makes us different is that we truly care about our patients’ experience and outcomes. We offer a wide range of procedures including FUE and FUT. Arrange a consultation at our hair loss clinic regarding hair transplant.