How Do You Reduce Sweating?

Reduce Sweating

EXCESSIVE sweating will have seemingly plagued many of us, but for some people, it happens more severely and can strike at any moment.

There’s nothing wrong with getting a sweat on when the occasion demands, but when you find yourself drenched at the slightest hint of exertion it can affect your quality of life pretty quickly. Excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis, is a common problem that affects people of all ages.  It may affect your whole body, or just certain areas – particularly arms, palms of your hands, soles of your feet, face and chest, and groin – with the rest of the body sweating normally.

What Counts as Excessive Sweating?

Everyone sweats, so how do you know if you’re sweating too much?

Sweating is the body’s way of regulating its temperature. It occurs when your sweat glands produce perspiration that’s carried to the skin’s surface. There are no guidelines to define what is normal, but if you find you’re sweating even when it’s cold or find it uncontrollable in warm temperatures, you may have hyperhidrosis.

The Trigger Point

Puberty can be a trigger for hyperhidrosis as three million of our sweat glands become active during this time; however, younger children and older people can also develop the condition. Sweating plays an important health role as it helps maintain the body’s temperature and allows us to cool down when we overheat. When we get hot and sweat, the moisture evaporates from the surface of the skin to cool us down. Not only do we sweat when we are hot or when we physically exert ourselves, but we also sweat as a result of our emotions – such as when we’re nervous or anxious.

What Can You Do to Reduce Sweating?

How you tackle excessive sweating depends on whether it is primary or secondary hyperhidrosis.

For someone with primary hyperhidrosis, the sweat is released from the eccrine sweat glands. These make up the majority of the sweat glands in your body including areas such as your feet, palms, face, and armpits. In most cases, primary hyperhidrosis can be treated with non-surgical treatments, including over-the-counter or prescription-strength antiperspirants; medications that affect the nerve signals sent to the sweat glands; such as Mira Dry or Botox injections for underarm sweating.

What Lifestyle Changes Can You Make to Avoid Excessive Sweating?

Outside of specific treatments for sweating, there are several changes to your diet and lifestyle you can try to curb the issue. Avoid triggers such as alcohol and spicy foods, drink plenty of water and try wearing loose, light clothes. Wearing black or white clothes can help reduce the signs of sweating. Did you know? Caffeine stimulates your central nervous system, increases your heart rate, which will make you sweat? Even fatty or highly processed foods can also cause you to sweat because they are more difficult for your body to digest, causing it to work harder.

What are the Medical Treatments to Reduce Sweating?

From an inability to wear certain types or colours of clothes, to the social embarrassment of wet patches or hands. The good news is that Laser Skin Care can help with this condition. With Laser Sweat Ablation (LSA) at Skin City India, you’ll start to see visible changes in a week. When you come home in the evenings, you’ll not find your clothes as damp as they would usually feel. You’ll also find that you don’t need to change clothes as often. Notice less sweat in each passing week and see your skin condition improving.

At Skin City India Clinics, we offer a variety of treatment options that can significantly reduce excessive sweating, ranging from BOTOX® injections to laser therapy. Say yes to a great life-changing procedure with no downtime.